Friday 21 December 2012




The Nativity and Animals


The comments of Pope Benedict XVI in his recent book, stating that in his opinion there MIGHT not have been any animals present at the Nativity, has sent SHOCK WAVES throughout the world.
Not least throughout MY WORLD.
I am a great supporter of His Holiness, Pope Benedict XVI and of course I accept him as the Successor of St Peter and Supreme Pontiff of the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.
However, he is seriously wrong and in error on this one!!
I want to assure His Holiness that indeed there were many animals present at the birth of Our Saviour Jesus Christ, THEY CAME TO ADORE THEIR CREATOR!

What would Biblical scholars know about these things?? the answer is nothing.
These kind of issues are revealed as spiritual insights to the lowly of this world.
The animals are created by God and im sure they had their representatives present at such a world changing event as the Saviour being born of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Oh yes, many were present and they are held in great esteem by all subsequent descendents in the animal kingdom.
  Anyway, what kind of Shepherds would leave their flocks unattended????
No they would have brought the flock with them!
And what happened to the Donkey that carried Mary to the stable?? dont tell me it disappeared from the scene. No, im sure it stuck its head in to have a gawk and adore the infant Jesus.
And doesnt Pope Benedict think the Inn keeper had a dog to gaurd the Inn and a cat to keep the mice down????
of course the Inn had its animals and of course they all had a gawk and adored their Creator!!
What about the birds?? dont tell me that dawn wasnt breaking and dont tell me that a representative of the Birds didnt show up!!


Oh yes, a full array of animals and birds were present at the Nativity of Our Saviour Jesus Christ.
They adored their Creator and they understood what it meant.
The problem is that many humans dont understand what it means and are blind and deaf to its message.
No Pope Benedict, im sorry but you are very mistaken on this one, as MANY animals were present and ALL animals understand and know who their Creator is, its just a shame that many of us Humans dont.

Gloria in Excelsis Deo, Et in Terra Pax Hominibus!!

Glory to God in the Highest, and on Earth, Peace to Mankind.

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