Saturday 10 November 2012




I experienced the pleasure of visiting the Cenacolo Community in Knock County Mayo the other day.
This is a community of male ex drug addicts who live in Community.
The Community live completely by Divine Providence, if food arrives they eat, if it does not arrive they go hungry.
The purpose of my visit was to take them some basic foodstuffs, but I also wanted to see with my own eyes what kind of a set up it was and if it was some kind of scam.
The Community of 8-10 males live in "Our Lady of Knock" House.
Their day is Monastic in its discipline, rising early with Prayer, Mass and Rosary.
They work in the workshop or polytunnel or on the land and in the House.
There is no Television, Radio or Newspapers, There is no Alcohol, Drugs or Smoking.
There are no Psychotherapists or Counsellors.
What there is in Cenacolo is a palpable presence of God, love, prayer and friendship.
Our Lady of The Cenacle
I met an ex drug addict who was previously involved in serious crime and who by his own admission would have been dead either by violence or by suicide if it was not for the Cenacolo Community.
He is now a changed person, is studying for the Priesthood and is HAPPY for the first time in his life. He exuded happiness, peace and the presence of Christ in his life.
The Community Fast every friday for a special intention and pray the Rosary every day.
Cenacolo was founded in the 1980s by an Italian Nun, Sister Elvira, who felt called by God to found a Community where drug addicts and other people whose lives are controlled by the evil of Addiction could find a refuge where they could experience LOVE, Gods love for them.
The Cenacolo Community now has over 60 houses worldwide and continues to grow.
Sr Elvira is adamant that the Communities pray and rely completely on Divine Providence for their everyday needs.

Any person whose life is being controlled and ruined by addiction is possibly under the influence of the Evil One.
The only person who can release a person from the influence of Satan is the Person of JESUS CHRIST with the power of the HOLY SPIRIT.
 Jesus Our Saviour, and the Holy Spirit are ALIVE and can liberate us from any evil.
It was marvellous to see people whose lives were destructive and self centred, and who had been depressed and very devious, transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit into sober, upright loving persons who love God and are trying to do His will and not their own.
The Cenacolo Community is open to any person who desires to CHANGE.
The Community is open for non-catholics and disbelievers, however every person must agree to follow the Communitys foundation rules of PRAYER, ROSARY, HOLY MASS, ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT, FASTING and WORK. 
The Cenacolo Community has a success rate of over 90% in comparison to so called drug rehab places that substitute Methodone for Heroin and dont deal with the spiritual disease afflicting the person.
Prayer can work wonders and I saw it with my own eyes at Cenacolo.
May the work of the Cenacolo Community continue to expand and help more drug addicts and alcoholics change from a destructive and self centred way of life to a life centred on God and other people.
From Lying and Deceit to Truth and Love.
Persons who want to join the Cenacolo Community must attend  meetings held every wednesday in Dublin at St Peters Parish Centre, St Peters Church Phibsboro, Dublin or by contacting:
Frank 087 9096007
Jean 087 2687040
Females who need to join a Cenacolo Community and are in Ireland may be sent to one of the houses in Rome or in Medjugorge. The Community in Knock is for males only.
May God continue to bless the work of CENACOLO and may the Blessed Virgin Mary intercede for all those souls who cry out to be liberated from the evil of substance addiction.
Our Lady of the Cenacle Pray For Us.


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